Permasalahan di Indonesia

Bonjour, mes amis!! Kali ini gue cuma pengin ngepost tweet yang berhashtag #IndonesianProblemsNight beberapa hari yang lalu. Lucu sih waktu pertama kali liat hashtag itu muncul di TL. Kebanyakan yang ngetweet kayak gini adalah fangirls dan fanboys yang kebanyakan mempunyai followers orang asing (luar Indo). Nah gue kaget tuh waktu teman gue dari Philipines ngetweet kalau di TLnya penuh sama orang indo pake hashtag tersebut. Gue mikir kalau hashtag itu sama aja bongkar aib negara sendiri. Haha.

Oke, langsung aja yooo... 

": treat bule like they r famous lol."

": our school bag at least 5 kg"

": people: "if you don't popular don't be friends with me" me: "wtf""

TBH untalented singers,boybands and girlbands everywhere oops "

v "@tbhclassy28 Des
if you use an iphone, ur friends will be like "can i borrow ur phone" and then they take 100000 selfie"

"@ohitslarry_: me: who's ur idols? "cherrybelle, smash, coboy jr, super girlies,..." me: NO GET AWAY FROM ME"

": teenagers who answers stupid and useless question tweets from @.tweetnesian urrghh"

scene on sinetron when someone almost got hit by car which is still far and they only scream like hEY RUN 4 UR LIFE

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