Save Your Money for Your Future!

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Do you want to go to around the world? Do you want to buy something but you don’t have money enough? Calm down. I have a suggestion for you to make your dreams come true. In this essay, I want to give you some tricks about saving money.  Part one is about the meaning of saving money to know what saving money is. Then in the part two is the benefits of saving money. The last part is how to save your money.
Saving money is fun. Saving money is save some the rest of money in piggy bank, postal, bank, etc, in some periods like every day, every month, etc. It’s up to you about the nominal. Regardless of the nominal, but the most important in saving money, you should save your money continue and discipline.
Saving money have so many benefits that will make you better than now and your future, here are: we don’t know what happen in the future. Because, only God knows what will happen in the future. The big problem is when the sickness come. So you can use your money to pay the administration. It will make you prevent dept because you have financial reserves. Another benefits of saving money is it will make be scrimp, as an investment; there are some statement that saving money in bank will incure inflation affect. So, you can save your gold or invested to your bussines, and the last one is saving money will make you learn to be patient.
There are many ways how to save money. Some of people have their periods. So, they have different way to save their own money. If you are student on elementary, highschool, college and your parents give some money every day, you can make a target with the same nominal everyday. Make a list and saving money books. At the end of the month, sum your which you collect everyday. Final way is save you money on bank.
 If you are student on elementary, highschool, college and your parents give you some money in a month, there are little different tricks for you. The first one is same like above. That is make a target. The big problem when your parents give you in a month is you will feel that you have so much money. So, we can’t control ourself. To avoid this, you should: don’t take your money too much, don’t buy unuseless thing, if you have to goto mall bring your money sufficienly, no laundry, save your coins, don’t go to mall and car free day event. The next trick is, save the rest of money on piggy bank – because it possible to save on bank -  and don’t bother them. The last one is, make your own saving money books!
The last tricks are for an employee. Special trick in this part is, when you get Rp. 20.000,- save it in your piggy bank. Because, when you get Rp. 20.000,- in fifth time, you will get Rp. 100.000,-. Then make your target same like above. Don’t buy unuseless thing, of course. Then the last tricks is, make a passbook.
So, this is the end of this essay. Now, we know about what saving money is, the benefits of saving money, and how to save your money. So, you can save your money now with those tricks. Choose one of them. Good luck!

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